Friday, September 5, 2008


 If you do not feel that you were successful on your tests this week then change your study habits.  Read the syllabus and try the study technique described or talk to someone who has been successful and see what they did.  Thirty minutes of  true studying is better than 2 hours of mind-wandering while looking at your notes. 
The back of the textbook, starting on page 815, has extra word-problems for each chapter.  However, the answers are not given in the back of the book.  Try some of them on your own and check the answers with me.   
Next week may be cut short due to the weather but I will still assess your notebook, homework, and vocabulary.  I will continue with the real-world (word problems) situations for 5.3 and 5.5 and also go over 5.4 on Monday. 

Have a safe weekend.

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